
- Minorul sa fie adus, cu bagajele si actele disponibile, la Consulatul Romaniei laistanbul, pana la data de 00 decembrie 0000, pentru a i se intocmi documente de calatorie
- Repatrierea o suporta statul roman prin Consulatul General al Romaniei la Istanbul, cu insotitor
- Consulatul General al Romaniei la Istanbul isi asuma responsabilitatea trimiterii in Romania si a predarii sale catre tata prin Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Coplilului din Romania


- The minor should be brought, with the available luggage and documents, to the Romanian Consulate inistanbul, until December 00, 0000, in order to draw up his travel documents
- Repatriation is borne by the Romanian state through the General Consulate of Romania in Istanbul , with companion
- The Consulate General of Romania in Istanbul assumes the responsibility of sending him to Romania and handing him over to the father through the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Protection The child from Romania

(5000 karakter kaldı)

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