cazul minorului roman Carmin-Valentin IVASCU, nascut la 00.00.0000 si care se afla in atentia noastra din anul 0000, va informam ca acesta este in continuare la ….institutia …… desi tatal Marius-Ioan IVASCU cat si Consulatul General al Romaniei laistanbul au comunicat, institutiei in cauza, ca solicita repatrierea cat mai urgenta a acestuia. Precizam ca Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Coplilului din Romania a corespondat din 0000 cu autoritatile turce pentru acest caz, fara a avea un rezultat.
in the case of the Romanian minor Carmin-Valentin IVASCU, born on 00.00.0000 and who has been in our care since 0000, we inform you that he is still at the ....institution ... although his father Marius-Ioan IVASCU and the Consulate General of Romania atistanbul communicated to the institution in question that they request his repatriation as soon as possible. We specify that the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection in Romania has corresponded with the Turkish authorities for this case since 0000, without having a result.