
Totodata, declar pe propria raspundere ca sunt de acord ca fiul meu minor İvascu valentin sa fie repatriat la adresa mea de domiciliu specificata anterior,ın regim de urgenta, prin diligentele consulatului İstanbul, ın conformitate cu prevederile legislatiei romane ın vigoare,precum şi ca ımi asum creşterea şi ıngrijirea copilului ulterior repatrierii.


At the same time, I declare on my own responsibility that I agree that my minor son İvascu valentin be repatriated to my previously specified home address, as an emergency, through the diligence of the İstanbul consulate, in accordance with the provisions of the Romanian legislation in force, as well as that I I assume the upbringing and care of the child after repatriation.

(5000 karakter kaldı)

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