[00/00, 00:00] +00 000 000 000: auziti
[00/00, 00:00] +00 000 000 000: dupa ce puneam resursele si le nivelam
[00/00, 00:00] +00 000 000 000: trebuia sa mai facem ceva pana la rapoartele alea?
[00/00, 00:00] +00 000 000 000: ca gen in rapoarte imi arata 0% peste tot si nu mai tin minte daca trebuia sa mai facem ceva
[00/00, 00:00] +00 000 000 000: listen
[00/00, 00:00] +00 000 000 000: after placing the resources and leveling them
[00/00 , 00:00] +00 000 000 000: we had to do something before those reports?
[00/00, 00:00] +00 000 000 000: as gender in the reports it shows me 0% everywhere and I don't remember if we had to do anything else