
Sunt mahnit si indignat in acelasi timp pentru ce s-a intamplat.
Sunteti perfect sanatoasa si nu aveti hepatita cronica B!
Prezenta anticorpilor anti HBs semnifica ca v-ati vindecat de o hepatita acuta B sau ca ati facut vaccin. Nici sa nu va doriti sa ajungeti la valori normale pentru ca anticorpii sunt protectivi.
Nu sunteti contagioasa si nici nu vi se poate interzice sa lucrati undeva; chiar daca ati fi avut hepatita cronica tot nu vad de ce v-ar fi respins la testele medicale.
Mergeti la un medic (gastroenterolog de preferinta) pentru a face cateva teste suplimentare, dar daca e vorba de anti-HBs cum ati scris si nu de AgHBs (sper ca ati scris corect) totul e OK


They are pained and outraged at the same time what happened.
You're perfectly healthy and you have chronic hepatitis B!
This anti HBs antibodies means that you have recovered from acute hepatitis B or have been vaccinated. You do not even want to go to normal antibodies that are protective.
You are not contagious and does not prohibit you to work anywhere; even if you have chronic hepatitis still I do not see why you would be rejected from medical tests.
Go to a doctor (preferably gastroenterologist) to do some additional testing, but if it's anti-HBs as you wrote, not HBsAg (hopefully spelled correctly) everything is OK

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